Saturday, November 01, 2008

Tell us about your eco baby shower!

Introducing a new feature on Organic Baby... tell us about your eco baby shower.

Ashlee from Mummy and Tummy started the ball rolling...

"We’ve had a baby shower with each of our babies, not in the traditional sense of ‘showering’ us with items to prepare for the baby, but more as a celebration of our pregnancy and to catch up with friends and family before the baby comes and chaos with it! For me, it wasn’t until I had my first child that I began to feel strongly about chemicals and other nasties in our air, skin and food. All of a sudden, this pure and innocent baby was being subjected to the dirty world we were creating and I wasn’t proud or happy of that! So began my natural journey! You can imagine how two and half years later, and pregnant with my third baby, how things were changing in our household. Admittedly I wasn’t as eco or organic as I would have liked, being somewhat tired, and on limited time and money with two babies. But we were taking steps forward every month, and I'm proud of how far we have come." Read more....

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