Saturday, February 24, 2007

Say No to Plastic Bags

Do you take reusable bags to the supermarket? I'm amazed how few people do - it is quite depressing standing at the checkout feeling like you're the only person who cares :(

With the notable exceptions of:
The Golden Bay region -thanks to the efforts of the Golden Bay Bag ladies and the local council

Pak 'n Save supermarkets charge for plastic bags, so the majority of their shoppers use reusable bags or cardboard boxes.

The other supermarkets have made a token effort by sell reusable bags but whilst they continue to offer FREE plastic bags - they're missing the point.

Just imagine if the NZ government adopted the same policy as they do in Ireland - taxing plastic bags! I bet the change to reusable bags would be instant. That's my rant for today.

Blog worth checking out

Heard about a blog on TNN that I felt was worth sharing - ECO WORRIER. See the links at the bottom left of my blog.

Best recent post was the one about "clothes swops" -


Thursday, February 22, 2007

Amber Teething Necklaces

This week we were asked the following interesting question....
"Hi, we are searching for a babies teething necklace, made out of Amber. Specially designed with knots in between each bead. Can you tell me please if you know of a supplier in New Zealand."

Tricky, hadn't heard of these - so did a bit of research on The Nappy Network and found out there is someone on Trade Me selling these. (run a search on amber teething)

For more information on the benefits of Amber teething necklaces, see

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